cross- disciplinary

Understanding how socioeconomic factors, and reliable digital access to trustworthy agricultural information impact smallholder farmers is key in helping families, and communities towards better food security, health, and economic development through sustainable soy production.

economic impacts
The Soybean Innovation Lab conducts longitudinal and multilevel assessments to define the socioeconomic drivers for soybean adoption and sustainability among smallholder farmers. SIL has found that in order to transition to soybean and still be profitable, smallholder farmers need to be part of a larger network that can offer support, guidance, and inputs. This larger network that can be anchored by seed companies, nucleus farmers, or cooperatives, can provide soybean farmers with access to the necessary inputs and knowledge to achieve higher yields and be profitable.
SIL investigated the viability of soybean production for smallholder farmers in Ghana, especially women. The data originated with a donor organization that wanted to bring soybean production to hundreds of women farmers.
The findings deemed soybean a 'long jump' technology that requires significant shifts in production and marketing practices and a greater dependence on credit in order to become a successful commercial crop. Smallholder farmers need to be part of a larger system, or network, that can provide guidance and support.

The Soybean Innovation Lab's Pan-African Soybean Variety Trial program provides a 3-part incentive system for breeders, seed companies, and farmers that will drive soybean development across the value chain in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Economic impact team
Dr. Edward Martey
CSIR-Savanna Agricultural Research Institute Lead
Economic Impacts Program

INformation &
The ICT Connectivity program conducts quantitative field research to identify major ICT connectivity and utilization challenges that National Agricultural Research System (NARS) institutions face throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. Using the ICT Health Check-up tool, SIL researchers can identify major ICT problems at NARS institutions and then develop recommendations for the most cost-effective ways to solve them.
It's an exciting time for ICT in Africa, however most of the progress has been focused on mobile connectivity. Additional attention should also be paid to extending high-speed, all-fiber connectivity to NARS institutions so that research results coming out of those research centers can be rapidly accessed and utilized by the public.

Ict connectivity program

Tracy L. Smith
Deputy CIO, Innovation & Technology Strategy
University of Illinois

at a Glance
SIL's online training platform offers a variety of free, self-paced, certificate-based courses.
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SIL-University launched in August 2019. Since then, over 3,500 learners from around the world have registered at SIL-University.
SIL-University represents a truly global community of soybean enthusiasts. Learners come from a variety of backgrounds, including farmers, extension agents, researchers, and private sector actors.

SIL-University offers courses on a variety of topics, including soybean agronomy, integrated pest management, food safety, and soybean nutrition.
After successfully completing a course, learners receive a certificate of completion, which they can share on social media or print to demonstrate their new knowledge.