Our Team
The Soybean Innovation Lab team is made up of more than 100 technical soybean experts from across 24 countries, representing a variety of institutions, including national agricultural research systems, universities, the private sector, and development agencies with expertise across the soybean value chain, ranging from breeding and genetics to agronomics, pest and disease management, to mechanization, economics, food science and more.
Where We Work
The Lab’s $30 million soybean development portfolio supports activities across 44 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and the Americas.
OUr Partners
administration team
Dr. Brady Deaton
Former Chancellor, University of Missouri
Dr. Daniel Gustafson
Deputy Director - General, Programmes, Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
Dr. Sandra Milach
Research Director, Corteva
Dr. Brady Deaton
Former Chancellor, University of Missouri
Dr. Daniel Gustafson
Deputy Director - General, Programmes, Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
Dr. Sandra Milach
Former VP Corteva Agriscience
Dr. Stella Salvo
Head of Breeding Partnerships for Smallholder Farming
Bayer Crop Science
Dr. Ken Dashiell
Deputy Director General for Partnerships and Capacity Building, International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Dr. Robert Easter
President Emeritus, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Dr. Earl Kellogg
Senior Fellow, Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU)
Dr. John Derera
Senior Director Plant Breeding & PreBreeding
Blake Hendrix
President of W.B. Hendrix Consulting, immediate past President of Desmet, USA
Annie Dee
President, Dee RIver Ranch
Dr. Mark Keenum
President, Mississippi State University
Dr. Abdulai Salifu
Former Director General, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Ghana
Jeffrey A. Thompson
Soybean Product Development Leader,
Want to learn more about the Soybean Innovation Lab? Do you have a question about a program or innovation?
170 National Soybean Research Center
1101 W Peabody Dr
Urbana, IL 61801